Britain’s Longest-Serving Fire Dog Retires After 500 Investigations Black Labrador Req, instrumental in solving arson and murder cases, passes the torch to his protégé Loki. READ & WATCH
WATCH: Pandas Splashing About To Cool Off In Summer Heat This adorable video shows pandas splashing about in the water as they cool off in the summer heat. READ & WATCH
Dog Rescued After 196ft Fall Down UK’s Grey Mare’s Tail Waterfall Jack Russell miraculously survives massive plunge, reunited with owner READ & WATCH
Protecting Against Tick Bites: Tips To Reduce Outdoor Hazards Climate change increases risk of tick bites, but following tips can lower dangers READ & WATCH
Scientists Uncover Virgin Births Thanks To Fruit Flies The study involved more than 220,000 virgin fruit flies. The post Scientists uncover virgin births thanks to fruit flies appeared first on Talker. READ & WATCH
One Of World’s Oldest Sea Creatures found In The U.S. The creatures are called sea squirts because when they are touched, they tense up - and squirt water from their siphons. READ & WATCH
Man Hospitalized After Swallowing Spider In His Sleep He was rushed to Hospital where he was given a saline drip, antibiotics and steroids. READ & WATCH
Record-High Seawater Temperature Off Florida’s Coast Raises Concerns For Marine Life Water temperatures reaching hot tub levels threaten coral reefs and could have lasting ecological impacts. READ & WATCH
UK’s Most Popular Dogs Raise Concerns Over Canine Healthcare Crisis Labradors, Jack Russells, and mix breeds dominate UK dog ownership, but health concerns rise over popularity of brachycephalic breeds. READ & WATCH