Dogs Are Family: One In Five Owners Throw Them Birthday Parties Poll reveals dogs as integral part of family, with owners celebrating their birthdays and prioritizing dogs' health and well-being. READ & WATCH
Adventurous Puppy Rescued By Firefighters After Getting Stuck In Wall Fire crews save four-month-old Labrador named Teale from extractor vent mishap READ & WATCH
UK Sheep Receives Wheelchair From Charity After Losing Use Of Hind Legs Winston's Wheels provides first-ever wheelchair for disabled lamb, defying grim prognosis. READ & WATCH
Experts Find Evidence Of Honeyguide Birds And Honey Badgers Cooperating To Access Honeycombs Researchers speculate honeyguides switched to work with humans after learning guiding behavior from badgers. READ & WATCH
Octopuses Show Remarkable Similarities To Humans In Sleep Patterns Octopuses' sleep patterns resemble humans', suggesting possible dreaming. READ & WATCH
Horses Aid In Addiction Recovery, Boosting Mood And Quality Of Life New research shows equine therapy as a promising method to combat substance abuse and improve patient well-being. READ & WATCH
Three Fluffy Baby Owls Wow Visitors At Flying Displays The two American barn owl chicks and one long eared owl were born five weeks ago at the Scottish Owl Centre. READ & WATCH
3 Ways To Help Pets Cope With Fear Of Storms The loud roar of passing thunderstorms and other loud noises can spark fear in many animals, causing extreme anxiety for pets. READ & WATCH
Why Orangutans Are The Beatboxers Of The Jungle The very fact that humans are anatomically able to beatbox, raises questions about where that ability came from. READ & WATCH