Study Warns That African Lions Are On The Brink Of Extinction African lions remain in only 25 countries and nearly half of these nations have fewer than 250 of the big cats. READ & WATCH
Why Pandas In Zoos May Suffer From Serious ‘jet Lag’ Giant pandas living in captivity outside the latitude of their normal range are less active. READ & WATCH
New Species Of Venomous Spider Named After ‘Venom’ Star Tom Hardy Venomius tomhardyi was discovered in Tasmania, Australia. READ & WATCH
Red Sox Fire Observant Jewish Executive On Day Before Rosh Hashanah The Boston Red Sox fired its chief baseball officer, Chaim Bloom, on Thursday READ & WATCH
Penn Leaders Cite Academic Freedom, Allowing Events Although Incompatible With Penn’s Values Penn leaders allow the event to proceed despite some speakers’ antisemitic history READ & WATCH
Bees Without Mothers More Prone To Disease: Study Researchers even found that motherless bees behaved differently than those with influential maternal figures. READ & WATCH
How Spiders Can Transfer Mercury Contamination To Animals Mercury poisoning can lead to digestive problems and even to kidney or brain damage in animals. READ & WATCH
Are Vegan Cats Healthier Than Their Meat-eating Counterparts? Veterinary experts have expressed concerns that vegan diets – which lack meat and dairy – may be unhealthy for cats. READ & WATCH
Stone Age Artists Carved Animal Prints That Can Be Identified Today Engravings of animal tracks and human footprints appear in numerous traditions of prehistoric rock art around the world. READ & WATCH