Google’s Latest Commercial Mocks Apple’s Green Bubbles Alphabet-owned company intensifies campaign to pressure Apple into adopting RCS messaging technology. READ & WATCH
Analyst Expects IPhone 15 Sales To Reach 225 Million By 2024 Apple's iPhone 15 Sees Strong Demand and Long Lines Worldwide READ & WATCH
Israeli Researchers Develop Biosensors To Safely Detect Landmines Tiny E. coli-based biosensors offer a breakthrough solution for accurate and safe landmine detection READ & WATCH
‘Money, Money, Money’: Ancient ‘ABBA’ Coin Set For Auction It is one of just five ABBA coins in collections today. READ & WATCH
Do Your Children Understand Global Warming? A poll of 750 children aged six to 12 found only 40% understand what global warming is. READ & WATCH
World’s Oldest Man-made Wooden Structures Discovered In Africa The structures date back half a million years. READ & WATCH
Weather Data From Pearl Harbor Warships Could Help Climate Research The scanning and rescuing of this data provides a window into the past. READ & WATCH
Is This Cute AI Robot The Security Guard Of The Future? The Ascento Guard is designed to patrol buildings and navigate outdoor terrain READ & WATCH